- 2019 Anna Valicek Award: Runway Scheduling during Winter Operations. AGIFORS 59th Annual Symposium 2019, 2019Seattle, USA more… BibTeX
- Runway Scheduling during Winter Operations. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019, 2019Seattle, USA more… BibTeX
- Constraint Programming and Column Generation for Solving the Winter Runway Scheduling Problem at Airports. OR2019 - International Conference on Operations Research, 2019Dresden, Germany more… BibTeX
- Pruning Rules and Valid Inequalities for Runway Scheduling in Winter. 28. Workshop der Quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre QBWL 2018, 2018Höchst im Odenwald more… BibTeX
- Runway Scheduling Under Winter Conditions. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018, 2018Phoenix, USA more… BibTeX
- Runway Scheduling under Consideration of Winter Operations. International Conference on Operations Research OR 2017, 2017Berlin more… BibTeX