Kai Zhu, M.Sc.


Room: 1565
Tel:  +49 (0)89 289 28202


Office Hours

by appointment

Research interests


  • Stochastic Optimization
  • Markov Decision Process
  • Reinforcement Learning


  • Resilient Supply Chain 
  • Transportation Disruptions

Academic Career and Positions held to date

  • Since 1/2023:  Research Assistant at the Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Minner), Technical University of Munich.


  • 2020 - 2021: M.Sc. in Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, United States
  • 2015 - 2019: B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering, Beihang University, China

Bachelor Theses:

  • Ransomware attacks in the manufacturing industry – A case study.

Master Theses:

  • A review of local content requirements in the automotive industry and its implications on facility location and supply base/chain design.
  • Implementing a sequential decision process model for transportation optimization with cost uncertainty.
  • Development of a risk-exposure model to quantify the level of supply chain resilience.
  • Resilient transportation network design under disruption risks.