Transportation Analytics (Master Program)
(Prof. Dr. Stefan Minner, Nicolas Kuttruff)
(Mon 15:00-16:30, Tue 15:00-16:30 &) Wed 15:00-18:15
The lecture corresponds to the lectures of the course "Transportation Logistics". In addition to that, the term project takes place in January and early February. For more information, please go to TUMOnline.
Course Description
- This course focuses on modelling and implementing various transportation and routing problems
- Traveling Salesman Problems
- Vehicle Routing Problems
- Inventory Routing Problem
- Network Design Problems
- Maritime Logistics
- Rail transportation
- Urban Logistics
- Course material will be made available in time
Course Structure
- Integrated theory and implementation sessions on Wednesday
- Transportation Logistics (Bachelor)
- Knowledge is required
- Missing knowledge can be aquired by watching recorded lectures that will be provided
- Homework and in-class assignments
Learning Objectives
Students get deeper insights into logistics, routing and transportation problems. They learn how to efficiently model these, and learn how to implement decision support tools using commercial solvers.
The course consists of a series of practical sessions focusing on modelling and implementation. In the accompanying lectures, students aquire theoretical knowledge of those problems.
The grading is based on homework assignments and a final group project.
- Toth, P., Vigo, D. (2014), Vehicle Routing – Problems, Methods, and Applications, 2nd ed., Siam
- Williams, H.P. (2013), Model Building in Mathematical Programming, 5th ed.
- Hillier, F., Lieberman, G. (2015), Introduction to Operations Research, 10th ed., McGraw-Hill