Operations Research at TUM

The Operations Research (OR) group at the Technical University of Munich is doing fundamental research on various aspects of mathematical optimization, (algorithmic) game theory, mechanism design, and AI. They use these technologies in applications of societal relevance, such as health care and humanitarian logistics. The multinational group is led by Alexander von Humboldt-Professor Andreas S. Schulz. It includes researchers spanning various backgrounds and disciplines, from mathematics to computer science and applications in engineering. The OR group maintains close ties with several other researchers at the Technical University of Munich, particularly within the Math and CS Departments and the School of Management, and with colleagues worldwide. In addition, several group members participate in the DFG Graduiertenkolleg “Advanced Optimization in a Networked Economy (AdONE).”


  • Our former PhD student Carolin Bauerhenne successfully defended her thesis titled "Appointment Scheduling and Routing in Healthcare: Introducing Robust Service Levels" on September 6. She was funded by the DFG Research Training Group "Advanced Optimization in a Networked Economy" (AdONE), GRK-2201.
  • Maximilian von Aspern, former master's student and current PhD student in the Operations Research Group at TUM, has won the Master Thesis Award from the German Operations Research Society. He received the award during the opening ceremony of OR 2024. He talked about his work on the computational complexity of crane scheduling during the award session. Maximilian is funded by the DFG Research Training Group "Advanced Optimization in a Networked Economy" (AdONE), GRK-2201.
  • Our PhD student Alexander Grosz has given a talk on his work "On the Smoothed Complexity of Combinatorial Local Search" at ICALP 2024. [Proceedings]

See also our News Archive.


  • We are constantly interested in hiring outstanding PhD students and postdocs in Math, OM, OR, or TCS. If you are interested, please send your application to or@tum.de.
  • We are part of the PhD program "Advanced Optimization in a Networked Economy," which is funded by the German National Science Foundation (DFG).