Honors and Awards
Best Team Performance at the PhD-Summer School “Computational Optimization at Work":
Franziska Strobel, PhD-student at the chair, and her team won the VRPPD-Challenge at the PhD-Summer School “Computational Optimization at Work”, organized by the Zuse Institute Berlin 2024. The challenge was to devise and implement an algorithm to solve a real-world instance of Delivery Hero for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery. Congratulations to Franziska and her team!
First Prize Winner of the „Best Student Paper Award“ at the 19th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling 2024: Maximilian Kolter: On Branch-and-Price for Multi-Project Scheduling
Best Student Paper 2023 of the College of Product Innovation and Technology Management (PITM) of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
Tobias Lieberum: “Should We All Work in Sprints? How Agile Project Management Improves Performance”
2022 Best Teaching Award 20 Years TUM School of Management for Large Lectures Category Large Lectures: Rainer Kolisch for the lecture “Management Science”
2022 College of Behavior in Operations Management (CBOM) Junior Scholar Paper Competition
Tobias Lieberum: “Should We All Work in Sprints? How Agile Project Management Improves Performance”
Scholarship from the Graduate Center of the Bavarian Research Insitute for Digital Transformation (bidt)
Carolin Bauerhenne is accepted to the Graduate Center of the Bavarian Research Insitute for Digital Transformation (bidt)
„Best Student Paper Competition“ First Prize18th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling 2022
2020 INFORMS Aviation Application Best Dissertation Award: Second Prize <link: https://connect.informs.org/aas/awards/dissertation-prize>Maximilian Pohl: Runway Scheduling During Winter Operations: Models, Methods, and Applications
Hendrik Weber, Robert Brachmann, Rainer Kolisch:“Generation and Characterization of Real-World Instances for the Flexible Resource-Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem”
Semi-Finalist for the INFORMS Franz Edelman Award 2016
Ferdinand Kiermaier und Rainer Kolisch: “Decision Support for Baggage Handling at Munich Airport”
Harold Kuhr Award 2015
Jens Brunner und Jan Köhler: „Bounded flexibility in days-on and days-off scheduling“
3. Preis Poster Presentation Award auf der INFORMS 2015 Conference
Daniel Gartner: „Benchmarking Construction and Improvement Heuristics for Classification using Markov Blankets“
GOR-Dissertationspreis 2015
Markus Frey: „Models and Methods for Optimizing Baggage Handling at Airports“
Best Poster Preis der TUM School of Management 2015
Alexander Döge und Ferdinand Kiermaier: "Efficient Runway Management"
GOR-Bachelorpreis 2014
Eileen Zhang:
„Cyclic staff scheduling with flexible shift parameters for airport ground handling”
Best Poster Preis der TUM School of Management 2014
Markus Frey und Ferdinand Kiermaier:
„Inbound Baggage Handling“
Best Poster Preis der TUM School of Management 2013
Daniel Gartner und Markus Frey:
„Fair Nomination of Exchange Students“
GOR-Bachelorpreis 2013
Bendeguz Antal Gati:
„An economic analysis of the value of DRG-Information for admission and discharge management in hospitals”
Best Teaching Award 2012
Jia Yan Du:
Kategorie Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter
Studienpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement 2012
Fabius-Valentin Natter:
"Agiles Projektmanagement mit Scrum: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Umsetzung von agilen Projektmanagementmethoden in Standardsoftware am Beispiel von Microsoft-Systemen"
TUM Business Alumni Preis 2011
Thomas Fliedner:
"Development and Experimental Investigation of Scheduling Approaches for the Stochastic Resource-Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem"
Promotionspreis des "Bund der Freunde der TU München" 2010
Christian Heimerl:
"Quantitative Approaches to the Management of Human Resources in IT-Projects"
TUM Business Alumni Preis 2008
Daniel Mittelstädt:
"Kostenorientierte Konfigurierung automatisierter Fertigungslinien am Beispiel von Siemens-Bestückungsautomaten"
TUM Business Alumni Preis 2006
Christian Heimerl:
"Ressourcenoptimierung in der IT"
Studienpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement 2006
Christian Heimerl:
"Ressourcenoptimierung in der IT"