Yiwen Zhu, M.Sc.

Room: 1507

mail to: Yiwen Zhu

Consultation hours: only by appointment

Research Interests

Mathematical Modelling and Optimization

Airline Network Optimization

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2023 

Doctoral candidate at Chair of Operations Management, TUM

Research associate at Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V., Germany

2020-2022 M.Sc. in Transportation Economics at TU Dresden, Germany
2019 Exchange semester in Logistics at Inha University, South Korea
2016-2020 B.Eng. in Transportation and Communication at Shanghai Maritime University, China


Conference Contributions

Zhu, Yiwen: Network Optimization of Long-Haul Flights: CO2 Emissions Reduction Potential through Aircraft Sharing and Passenger Bundling. Junior Workshop of German Aviation Research Society, 2023 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Obermeyer, Andy, Zhu, Yiwen: The Influence of Temperature on the Value of Travel Time in Cycling. ITEA, 2023 (Santander, Spain)