Dr. Thomas Stäblein
Adjunct lecturer
Research interests
- Design and management of lean production systems, with a focus on the automotive industry
- Marketing/Operations Interface: Build-to-order concepts that support the implementation of customer-responsive distribution-systems and goal alignment
- New Product Development and Product Variety Management (Product Platforms, Modularity, Postponement and Option Bundling)
09/2023 - | Data Ops for AI, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart |
10/2008 - 08/2023 | Production Planning, Mercedes-Benz AG, |
07/2007 - 09/2008 | Research Engineer, Forecasting and Optimization Daimler AG, Corporate Research, Berlin |
01/2005 - 12/2007 | Ph.D. Industrial Engineering Technische Universität Clausthal |
03/2006 - 09/2006 | Full time visiting PhD University of Cambridge, Judge Business School |
10/1998 - 01/2005 | M.Sc. Industrial Engineering. Technische Universität Clausthal |
09/1996 - 09/1998 | Industrial Engineering Technische Universität Berlin |
Journal publications
Kolter, M., Grunow, M., Kolisch, R., & Stäblein, T. (2024). Strategic workforce and project planning for engineering automotive production systems: tackling the transition to electric vehicles. International Journal of Production Research, 1–21.
Aoki, K., Staeblein, T. (2017) "Monozukuri capability and dynamic product variety: An analysis of the design-manufacturing interface at Japanese and German automakers." Technovation, accepted for publication.
Wochner, S., Stolletz, R., Grunow, M., Staeblein, T. (2016) "Planning for Ramp-ups and New Product Introductions in the Automotive Industry: Extending Sales and Operations Planning." International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 182, pp. 372–383.
Becker, A., Stolletz, R., Staeblein, T. (2016) "Strategic ramp-up planning in automotive production networks." International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55 Iss. 1, pp. 59-78.
Staeblein, T., Aoki, K. (2015) "Planning and scheduling in the automotive industry: A comparison of industrial practice at German and Japanese makers." International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 162, pp. 258-272.
Aoki, K., Staeblein, T., Tomino, T. (2014) "Monozukuri capability to address product variety: A comparison between Japanese and German automotive makers" International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 147, pp. 373-384.
Staeblein, T., Holweg, M., Miemczyk, J. (2011) "Theoretical versus actual product variety:How much customisation do customers really demand?" International Journal of Production and Operations Management, Vol. 31 Iss. 3, pp. 350-370.
Stäblein, T. (2008) “Integrierte Planung des Materialbedarfs bei kundenauftragsorientierter Fertigung von komplexen und variantenreichen Serienprodukten.“ In Bracht, U. (Hrsg.) “Innovationen der Fabrikplanung und -organisation.“ Band 18, Shaker Verlag, Aachen. ISBN 978-3-8322-6986-9
Chapters in Edited Books
Stephan, F., Stäblein, T., Hirzel, J. (2010) “Innovative Logistikprozesse für Elektrik- und Elektronikkomponenten in der Automobilindustrie.“ In Wolf-Kluthausen, H. (Hrsg.) “Jahrbuch Logistik 2010“ Trends und Strategien, pp. 103-117, Verlagsgruppe free beratung Gesellschaft für Kommunikation im Marketing, Korschenbroich.
Stäblein, T., Merat, P., Bracht, U. (2009) “Integrierte Planungsmodelle zur Bedarfsprognose von Komponenten und Materialien für Premium-Fahrzeuge.“ In Wolf- Kluthausen, H. (Hrsg.) “Jahrbuch Logistik 2009” Logistik-Perspektiven, pp. 29-33, Verlagsgruppe free beratung Gesellschaft für Kommunikation im Marketing, Korschenbroich.
Stäblein, T., Baumgärtel, H., Wilke, J. (2007) “The Supply Net Simulator SNS: An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Highly Efficient Supply Network Simulation.” In Günther, H.O. et al. (Ed.) “Supply Network and Logistics Management: Decision Support, Information Systems and OR Tools”, pp. 85-110, Heidelberg: Physica
Conference Proceedings
Bartnik, R., T. Stäblein, K. Aoki (2016), "How does firm context influence automotive order fulfillment? A structured review." Session: Emerging Topics in Supply Chain Management, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - August 5-9 2016, Anaheim, USA.
Popa, R. C., Grunow, M., Stäblein, T. (2014), "Consideration of Operational Effects in the Design of Option Bundles", INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 9-12, 2014, San Francisco, USA.
Staeblein, T., Holweg, M. (2013) "Data Fusion: Enhancing MRP-based Scheduling at Mercedes-Benz" in 2013 INFORMS MSOM Conference, July 28-30, 2013, INSEAD, France, Track: Process Efficiency.
Staeblein, T. (2013) "Interval Arithmetic for Material Requirements Planning in Build-to-Order Car Manufacturing", 26th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO-INFORMS), Session WC-35: Emerging Issues in Automotive OR in stream OR Applications in the Automotive Industry.
Wochner, S., Grunow, M., Staeblein, T., Solletz, R. (2013) "Determining the variant mix during ramp-up in the automotive industry" in Fynes, B. and Coughlan, P. (Eds.) "Operations Management at the heart of recovery", Proceedings of the 20th International EurOMA Conference, June 7-12, 2013, Dublin, Ireland, paper INV-3.
Popa, R. C., Grunow, M., Staeblein, T. (2012) "A branch-and-price algorithm for the option bundling problem in the automotive industry", International Annual Conference of the German OR Society, September 4-7, 2012, Hannover, Germany.
Stäblein, T (2012) “Recent Developments in the Chinese Premium Car Market: A focus on German OEM activities” International Symposium Technology transfer and industrial development in the globalization of the automotive industry. Kanto Gaukin University Yokohama, Japan.
Stäblein, T., Aoki, K. (2012) “Planning and Scheduling in the Automotive Industry: Differences between German and Japanese practices” Special Session on Planning and Scheduling at 4th POM World, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Aoki, K., Stäblein, T., Tomino, T. (2012) “Monozukuri capability to address product variety: A comparison between Japanese and German automotive makers” The 5th International Supply Chain Management Symposium and Workshop “Building Dynnamic Capabilities across the Supply Chain: Challenges in the Age of Complexity and Globalization”, March 8-10, 2012 Tokyo, Japan (Manufacturing Management Research Center, University of Tokyo).
Stäblein, T., Aoki, K., Tomino, T. (2011) “External product variety, mass customization and order fulfillment in the automotive industry: A comparison between German and Japanese cases” submitted for EUROMA 2011.
Stäblein, T., Grunow, M. (2011) “Managing product variety with option bundling: Measures, models, first result” Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR) AG-Sitzung Prognose-Verfahren und Supply Chain Management “Demand and Supply Chain Forecasting and Planning” in Sindelfingen, Germany.
Stäblein, T. (2011) “Integrative Materialbedarfsplanung bei kundenauftragsorientierter Fertigung und hoher Produktvielfalt: Herausforderungen und Lösungsverfahren“ Marcus Evans Management Conferences - Integrierte Produktionsplanung und -steuerung im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau in Stuttgart, Germany. (in German).
Stäblein, T., Aoki, K., Tomino, T. (2011) “External product variety in the car industry: An empirical analysis of German and Japanese OEM operations” 19th International colloquium of GERPISA. Paris, France. “Is the second automobile revolution on the way?”.
Wochner, S., Stäblein, T., Grunow, M. (2011) “Modeling the impact of option bundling in automotive manufacturing“ Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR) Automotive AG, Wolfsburg, Germany. Workshop-
Stäblein, T. (2010) “Herausforderungen und Lösungskonzepte zur integrierten Teilebedarfsvorschau im Supply Chain Planning", Vortrag, Bundesvereinigung Logistik BVL, 5. Ulmer Logistiktag: Erfolg in Netzwerken - Perspektiven und Strategien, Donauhalle, Ulm.
Stäblein, T., Holweg, M. (2010) “Measuring Product Variety: How Much Customization is Really Demanded?” at the “32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference”, Cologne, Germany.
Stäblein, T. (2010) "An overview on the supply system of Mercedes-Benz in Sindelfingen" Vortrag auf dem International Symposium "Supplier systems in the progress of globalization and localization in the automotive industry" in Yokohama, Japan. Einladung von Prof. Sei (Kanto Gakuin University) Prof. Fujimoto (University of Tokyo)
Stäblein, T. (2009): “Collaborative Planning: Issues with asymmetric cost and hold up in automotive supply chains”, In Fleischmann, B., et al. (Hrsg.) “Operations Research Proceedings 2008”, Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (OR2008). pp. 227-232, Berlin, Springer.
Stevens, M., Stäblein, T. (2009) “Goal Distortion at Marketing-Operations Interface: Where demand signals get lost in manufacturing firms.” In Jacobs, F. et al. (Eds.) “Global Challenges and Opportunities” Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS2009), 011-0179, Orlando, Florida.
Miemczyk, J., Stäblein, T., Holweg, M. (2009) “Theoretical versus actual product variety: how much customization is really demanded in the marketplace?” In Johansson, M. et al. (Eds.) ”Implementation – realizing Operations Management” Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA 2009). Göteborg, Sweden: University of Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology, Chris Voss Best Paper Award (out of 800 submissions).
Stäblein, T. (2009) “Effiziente Materialbedarfsplanung in der Automobilindustrie” Vortrag, Bundesverband Logistik BVL 27. Dortmunder Gespräche: Logistik produziert Effizienz, Westfalenhalle, Dortmund.
Stäblein, T., Schütte, A. (2008) “Integrierte Programm-Planung auf Basis neuer Optimierungsmodelle bei Mercedes Benz.“ Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), Fachgruppe: Supply Chain Management. Sitzung: “Supply Chain Planung und Collaboration”, J&M Management Consulting, Bad Dürkheim.
Stäblein, T., Holweg, M. (2008) “Forecasting component demand for configurable products under partial information.“ In Vaart, T. van de, et al. (Ed.) ”Tradition and Innovation in Operations Management.” Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA 2008). Groningen: Groningen University.
Working paper
Schramm, S., Holweg, M., Stäblein, T. & Stevens, M. (2011) ”Balancing Rigidity and Informality: Behavioral Aspects of Goal Alignment at the Marketing-Operations Interface”, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.
Holweg, M., Stäblein, T. (2008) “Using Data Fusion to Enhance Component-level Forecast Accuracy for Integral Products”, Management Science Seminar Series at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.
Other publications
Stäblein, T., Schütte, A., Merat, P., Bracht, U. (2008) “Integrierte Planung der mittelfristigen Komponenten- und Teilebedarfe für variantenreiche Serienprodukte.“ Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 03/2008: pp. 126-132.
Bracht, U., Stäblein, T., Schütte, A. (2007) “Effiziente Materialbedarfsplanung bei variantenreicher Serienproduktion komplexer Produkte.“ wt-online, 04/2007: pp. 284-292.
- Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (summa cum laude), TU Clausthal
- Förderpreis für die beste Promotion, TU Clausthal
- Chris Voss Best Paper Award (with Joe Miemczyk and Matthias Holweg), EurOMA, 2009