Responsability | Contact person |
Administrative | Monika Wagner |
Business contact | Prof. Dr. Martin Grunow |
Exams | Monika Wagner |
Recognition of foreign courses | Monika Wagner |
Recommendation letter | Thorsten Greil |
Research | Prof. Dr. Martin Grunow |
Teaching modules | Thorsten Greil |
Thesis / Project studies | Alexander Pahr |
Webpage | Mirko Schömig-Beißner |
Chair address
Technische Universität München
Production and Supply Chain Management
(Prof. Grunow)
Arcisstr. 21 (Entrance Luisenstr., building 0505)
80333 Munich
email: scm(at)
tel: +49 (0)89 289 24870
fax:+49 (0)89 289 24872