- Exploring the Benefits of Dynamic Scheduling in Complex Manufacturing Settings. (Vortrag / 8th Stochastic Modelling Meeting (Milano)) 2024 mehr…
- Exploring the Benefits of Dynamic Scheduling in Complex Manufacturing Settings. (Vortrag / GPOM Summer 2024) 2024 mehr…
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aging Cheese Inventory Management. (Vortrag / International Conference on Operations Research) 2024 mehr…
- Carbon-aware Lot Sizing with Perishable Inventory: An Integrated Approach for Sustainable Production Planning. (Vortrag / 33rd European Conference on Operational Research ) 2024 mehr…
- Global Optimization of Gas Transportation and Storage: Convex Hull Characterizations and Relaxations. (Vortrag / International Conference on Operations Research 2024) 2024 mehr…
- The Value of Blending – Managing Ameliorating Food Inventory Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. (Vortrag / 8th Stochastic Modelling Meeting, Milan) 2024 mehr…
- Action space designs for stochastic production scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times. (Vortrag / QBWL (Bad Windsheim)) 2023 mehr…
- The environmental impact of considering uncertainty in supply chain planning. (Vortrag / QBWL (Bad Windsheim)) 2023 mehr…
- The environmental impact of switching from deterministic to stochastic modeling in Sales & Operations Planning under uncertainty. (Vortrag / 4th Conference of the EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains) 2023 mehr…
- Managing Ameliorating Food Inventory Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. International Society for Inventory Research 2023 Summer School, 2023Cardiff mehr…
- Fermentation and purification process data boost the production of biopharmaceuticals. (Vortrag / GPOM Workshop Winter 2023) 2023 mehr…
- Increasing the Productivity of a Multi-Stage Biomanufacturing Process Using MDP Modelling. (Vortrag / INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023 (Phoenix, USA)) 2023 mehr…
- Strategic capacity planning in the biopharmaceutical industry under demand and yield uncertainty. (Vortrag / GPOM Workshop Summer 2023) 2023 mehr…
- Action space designs for dynamic scheduling with uncertain processing times and sequence-dependent setup times. (Vortrag) 2022 mehr…
- Action space designs for dynamic scheduling with uncertain processing times and sequence-dependent setup times. (Vortrag / OR 2022 (Karlsruhe)) 2022 mehr…
- Are concentrates more sustainable than powders? Nordic Dairy Congress, 2022Malmö, Sweden mehr…
- Managing ameliorating food with machine learning (Keynote). 6th International Conference on Food and Wine Supply Chains, 2022Bologna, Italy mehr…
- Project Planning for Engineering Automotive Production Systems. 18th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, 2022Ghent, Belgium mehr…
- Learning from the Aggregated Optimum: Decision Rules for Managing Ameliorating Food Inventory. MSOM Conference 2022, SIG Day, 2022Munich, Germany mehr…
- Stochastic optimization of biopharmaceutical operations using MDP. (Vortrag / 29th QBWL Workshop, Beilngries (Germany)) 2019 mehr…
- Production planning under seasonal and uncertain demand. (Vortrag / 29th QBWL Workshop, Beilngries (Germany)) 2019 mehr…
- Rolling-horizon production planning with forecast evolution in the agrochemical industry. (Vortrag / GOR SCM Arbeitsgruppe, Ludwigshafen (Germany)) 2019 mehr…
- Production planning under seasonal and uncertain demand. (Vortrag / GPOM Workshop, Augsburg (Germany)) 2019 mehr…
- Capacity allocation auctions to induce truthful information sharing in sales and operations planning. (Vortrag / Behavioral Operations Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands) 2019 mehr…
- The benefits of operation and routing flexibility in automotive flexible assembly layouts. (Vortrag / 29th QBWL Workshop, Beilngries (Germany) ) 2019 mehr…
- Robust car sequencing. (Vortrag / GPOM Workshop, Munich (Germany)) 2019 mehr…
- The benefits of operation and routing flexibility in automotive flexible assembly layouts. (Vortrag / 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019), Dublin (Ireland)) 2019 mehr…
- Double auctions for truthful information sharing in sales and operations planning. (Vortrag / TUM School of Management Research Fest, München, Germany) 2018 mehr…
- Double Auctions for Truthful Information Sharing in Sales and Operations Planning. (Vortrag / ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, Ithaca, NY, USA) 2018 mehr…
- Double Auctions for Truthful Information Sharing in Sales and Operations Planning. (Vortrag / INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA) 2018 mehr…
- Scheduling in automotive flexible assembly layouts. (Vortrag / 28th QBWL Workshop, Höchst im Odenwald (Germany)) 2018 mehr…
- The benefits of operation and routing flexibility in automotive flexible assembly layouts. (Vortrag / Automotive Workshop, Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany)) 2018 mehr…
- An adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the tail assignment problem of airlines. (Vortrag / FORA Symposium, Aachen (Germany)) 2018 mehr…
- Scheduling in automotive flexible assembly layouts: The benefits of operation and routing flexibility. (Vortrag / International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2018), Brussels (Belgium)) 2018 mehr…
- A Green Vendor Managed Inventory of a Multi-item Multi-retailer EPQ model under Fuzzy Environment with Stochastic Constraints: A Geometric Programming Approach. 12th International NCM Conference: Challenges in Industrial Engineering & Operation Management, 2018Ankara, Turkey mehr…
- The rise of logistics startups and their impact on the logistics industry. Proceedings of the 25th EurOMA Conference, 2018Budapest, Hungary mehr…
- Water-integrated production scheduling in the food industry: A case study in cheese manufacturing. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 2017Québec, Canada mehr…
- Applying capacity allocation auctions to induce truthful information sharing in sales and operations planning. (Vortrag / 27th QBWL Workshop, Sylt, Germany) 2017 mehr…
- Applying capacity allocation auctions to induce truthful information sharing in sales and operations planning. (Vortrag / OR2017 - International Conference on Operations Research, Berlin, Germany) 2017 mehr…
- Flexible layouts for the mixed-model assembly of heterogeneous vehicles. (Vortrag / 27th QBWL Workshop 2017, Sylt (Germany)) 2017 mehr…
- Flexible layouts for the mixed-model assembly of heterogeneous vehicles. (Vortrag / Automotive Workshop, Braunschweig (Germany)) 2017 mehr…
- Flexible layouts for the mixed-model assembly of heterogeneous vehicles. (Vortrag / International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2017), Berlin (Germany)) 2017 mehr…
- Integrated production planning and water management in dairy industry: A cheese industry case study. Nordic Dairy Congress, 2017Copenhagen mehr…
- Integrated production planning and water management in the food industry: A cheese production case study. 27th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering, 2017Barcelona (Spain) mehr…
- Bridging short and mid-term demand forecasting in the semiconductor industry. (Vortrag / Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, Las Vegas (USA)) 2017 mehr…
- Impact of shelf life on the trade-off between economic and environmental objectives: a dairy case. International Conference on Operations Research, 2017Berlin, Germany mehr…
- o Economic and environmental assessment of new perishable dairy products: Decision tool based on multi-objective optimization. (Vortrag / Weihenstephaner Milchwirtschaftliche Herbsttagung 2016, Germany) 2016 mehr…
- Water reuse considerations in scheduling multipurpose batch plants: Modeling approach and analysis of regeneration options. Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 2016Innsbruck, Austria, 105-116 mehr…
- Economic and environmental assessment of new perishable dairy products under uncertain price evolution: Decision tool based on multi-objective optimization. 1st Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains, 2016Aachen, Germany mehr…
- o Haltbare Konzentrate anstelle von Milch- oder Molkepulvern – Verfahrensbewertung nach klima- und anderen umweltrelevanten Kriterien. (Vortrag / Weihenstephaner Milchwirtschaftliche Herbsttagung 2015, Germany) 2015 mehr…
- Integrating design projects with sales and operations planning at automotive OEMs - a reference process. 22nd EurOMA Conference, 2015Neuchatel mehr…
- Including regeneration possibilities to increase water reuse in scheduling multipurpose batch plants. INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 1-4, 2015, 2015Philadelphia, USA mehr…
- Including regeneration possibilities in water reuse enabled scheduling of batch plants. EURO 2015, the conference of the European Association of Operational Research Societies, 2015Glasgow, Scotland mehr…
- Generation of low-dimensional capacity constraints for unrelated parallel machines. (Vortrag / INFORMS Annual Meeting) 2015 mehr…
- Integration of demand forecasting in the design of option bundles. (Vortrag / OR2015) 2015 mehr…
- Supply allocation considering the rationing game of customers. (Vortrag / OR 2015) 2015 mehr…
- Increasing the accuracy and robustness of order promises. (Vortrag / OSCM Seminar) 2015 mehr…
- Accounting for form capacity, cleaning and set-up times in short-term lot scheduling of cheese production. (Vortrag / European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)) 2015 mehr…
- Accounting for cleanings in short-term lot scheduling: A case study for cheese production. (Vortrag / Graduate Program in Operations Management (GPOM)) 2015 mehr…
- Accounting for form capacity, cleaning and set-up times in short-term scheduling of cheese production. (Vortrag / Weihenstephaner Milchwirtschaftliche Herbsttagung) 2015 mehr…
- Consideration of Operational Aspects in the Design of Option Bundles. INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2014San Francisco, USA mehr…
- Two-stage stochastic modeling of new dairy production technologies in a supply chain context. 20th conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 2014Barcelona, Spain mehr…
- Determining the variant mix during ramp-up in the automotive industry. 20th International EurOMA Conference, 2013Dublin, Ireland mehr…
- Procurement planning under uncertainty for oil refinery operations. Proceedings of the 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, 2012Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1-10 mehr…
- A branch-and-price algorithm for the option bundling problem in the automotive industry. International Annual Conference of the German OR Society, 2012Hannover, Germany mehr…
- Modeling new energy efficient production technologies in a supply chain context: A case from the dairy industry. International Conference on Advances in Production Management systems, 2012Rhodes, Greece mehr…
- Robust market launch planning for a multi echelon pharmaceutical supply chain. 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 21), 2011Chalkidiki, Greece mehr…
- Supply chain planning with sustainability considerations an integrative framework. European Operations Management Association Conference (EUROMA 2011), ENV14, 2011Cambridge, UK mehr…
- Deployment planning in supply chains: Challenges in implementing the hierarchical advanced planning concept. European Operations Management Association Conference (EUROMA 2010), TMO4, 2010Porto, Portugal mehr…
- Challenges in shortening new product introduction in the pharmaceutical industry. European Operations Management Association Conference (EUROMA 2010), NPM8, 2010Porto, Portugal mehr…
- MILP approaches to sustainable production and distribution of meal elements. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2009Troyes, France, 973-978 mehr…
- A heuristic approach for short term operations planning in a catering company. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2009Hong Kong, China mehr…
- Locating spare part warehouses using the concept of gradual coverage - A case study. Logistics Management, 2009Hamburg, Germany mehr…
- Intermediate product selection under production and storage capacity limitations. Logistics Management 2009, 2009Hamburg, Germany, 1-10 mehr…
- Modeling intermediate product selection under production and storage capacity limitations in food processing. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2009Hong Kong, China, 1077-1081 mehr…
- Challenges in supply chain management of professionally prepared meals. European Operations Management Association Conference (EUROMA 2009), 2009Gothenburg, Sweden mehr…
- Challenges in the distribution of professionally prepared meals. Proceedings of the 16th International EurOMA Conference, 2009Gothenburg, Sweden, 1-10 mehr…
- Food quality management in cold chains. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Cold Chain Management, 2008Bonn, Germany, 72-80 mehr…
- Development of a decision support tool for supply network planning: A case study from the chemical industry (key note paper). The Seventh International Symposium, ISORA 2008, 2008Lijiang, China, 18-24 mehr…
- A mixed-integer linear programming approach for managing food safety risks. Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference and 11the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research, 2008Nusa Dua, Bali mehr…
- Modelling product quality in food supply chains. FoodSim 2008, 2008Dublin, Ireland, 186-190 mehr…
- Reducing dispersion in food distribution. Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, 2008Bali, Indonesia, 618-628 mehr…
- Improving food safety in the supply chain: Integrating traceability in production and distribution planning. Proceedings of the 15th International EurOMA Conference, 2008Groningen, Netherlands, 1-10 mehr…
- Mixed-integer linear programming approach for food production and distribution planning. Pre-prints of the Fifteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 2008Innsbruck, Austria, 559-570 mehr…
- Manpower planning at air cargo terminals. Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference and 11the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research, 2008Nusa Dua, Bali, 666-677 mehr…
- Campaign planning based on aggregation and optimization modelling. International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems, 2007Kitakyushu, Japan mehr…
- Development of a MILP based decision support system for product allocation in a production network, Proceedings of the LMN 2007. International Workshop on Logistics and Manufacturing Networks, 2007Seoul, Korea, 17-31 mehr…
- Supply Network Planning and Advanced Planning Systems. Special & Tutorial Talks of the International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems, 2007Kitakyushi, Japan, 17-30 mehr…
- Supply network planning with dynamic spot sales pricing: a case study from the chemical industry, MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007. Track: 2007 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering, 2007Hong Kong, China, 2081-2086 mehr…
- Value chain management for commodities in the chemical industry, Proceedings of the LMN 2007. International Workshop on Logistics and Manufacturing Networks), 2007Seoul, Korea, 52-57 mehr…
- Network-wide campaign planning for multistage processes in the chemical industry. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2007), 2007Singapore, 1352-1356 mehr…
- Advanced planning for the design of a global production network for electrical components, in: Dessouky, M., Trappey, A., Tzeng, G.H., Sheu, D., Eid, S. (eds.):. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, ICCIE, 2006Taipei, Taiwan, 2568-2580 mehr…
- M., Neuhaus, U., Yilmaz, I.O.: Simulation of transportation activities in automated seaport container terminals. Proceedings of The Second International Intelligent Logistics Systems Conference, 2006Brisbane, Australia mehr…
- Supply optimization for the production of raw sugar. 18th International Conference on Production Research, 2005Salerno, Italy, 1-6 mehr…
- AGV dispatching strategies at automated container terminals, in: Kim, K.H. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent Logistics Systems, 2005Busan, Korea mehr…
- AGV dispatching strategies at automated seaport container terminals. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications, ISORA05, 2005Tibet, China, 48-64 mehr…
- Advanced planning and scheduling concepts for application in the consumer goods industry. 18th International Conference on Production Research, 2005Salerno, Italy mehr…
- An MILP modeling approach for shelf life integrated planning in yoghurt production. Operations Research Proceedings 2004, Springer, 2005Tilburg, Netherlands mehr…
- Simulation analysis of AGV system performance in container port terminals. Proceedings of the 2nd Industrial Simulation Conference 2004, 2004Malaga, Spain mehr…
- Hierarchical integration of supply network planning and production scheduling. APIEMS 2004, Proceedings of the Fifth Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2004Gold Coast, Australia mehr…
- Online and offline dispatching of AGVs in container port terminals. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2004Jeju Island, Korea mehr…
- Performance evaluation of AGV dispatching strategies at automated container terminals. APIEMS 2004, Proceedings of the Fifth Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2004Gold Coast, Australia mehr…
- Shelf life integrated planning in yoghurt production. APIEMS 2004, Proceedings of the Fifth Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2004Gold Coast, Australia mehr…
- Balancing automated electronics assembly lines. APIEMS 2004, Proceedings of the Fifth Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2004Gold Coast, Australia mehr…
- Using group setup strategies for makespan minimization in electronics assembly. APIEMS 2004, Proceedings of the Fifth Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2004Gold Coast, Australia mehr…
- Objektorientierte Simulation von Anlagen der Elektronikmontage (Object oriented simulation of electronics assembly machines). Operations Research Proceedings 2003, Springer, 2003Heidelberg, Germany mehr…
- Online- versus Offline-Einsatzplanung von Fahrerlosen Transportsystemen in Containerhäfen (Online versus offline dispatching of AGVs in sea port container terminals). Logistik Management, Physica, 2003 mehr…
- Efficient scheduling heuristics for PCB assembly using a collect-and-place machine. Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2003Limerick, Ireland mehr…
- A hierarchical modelling approach for scheduling and assignment of personnel in medical studies. DSI 2003, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Decision Science Institute, 2003Shanghai, China mehr…
- Supply network planning and plant scheduling in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry - A case study investigation. DSI 2003, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Decision Science Institute, 2003Shanghai, China mehr…
- Managemant of transnational production and distribution networks in the process industries. APIEMS 2002, Proceedings of The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems , 2002Taipei, Taiwan mehr…
- A hierarchical modelling approach for coordinating production operations within a multi-plant supply network. Proceedings of the 9th Bellmann Continuum, 2002Beijing, China mehr…
- An LP-based approach for workforce scheduling and assignment in manufacturing and service environments. APIEMS 2002, Proceedings of The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2002Taipei, Taiwan mehr…
- Dispatching multiple-load AGVs in a highly automated container port environment. APIEMS 2002, Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2002Taipei, Taiwan mehr…
- A continuous time based modelling approach for co-ordinating material flows in multi-site production networks in the process industry. APIEMS 2002, Proceedings of The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2002Taipei, Taiwan mehr…
- Savings-based heuristics for scheduling operations of a collect-and-place machine in SMT electronic boards assembly. APIEMS 2002, Proceedings of The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2002Taipei, Taiwan mehr…
- Management von Produktions- und Distributionsnetzwerken in der chemischen Industrie (Management of production and distribution networks in the chemical industry). Logistik Management. Supply Chain Management und Electronic Business, Teubner, 2001Stuttgart, Germany, 323-335 mehr…
- Simulation und Leistungsanalyse von Montagesystemen für elektronische Baugruppen (Simulation and performance analysis of electronics assembly systems). Frontiers in Simulation 8, 2001Ghent, Belgium, 393-398 mehr…
- Multi-criteria optimisation of printed circuit board assembly operations. APIEMS 2000, Proceedings of the Third Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2000Hong Kong, China, 22-26 mehr…
- Anwendungsbereiche des Supply Chain Managements in der chemischen Industrie (The scope of supply chain management in the chemical industry). Proceedings Meeting of the GVC-DECHEMA expert committee Process- and Equipment Technology, 2000Kassel, Germany mehr…
- Simulationsbasierte Optimierung der Konfiguration und des Betriebes von Bestückungsautomaten (Simulation based optimization of the configuration and operation of SMD-placement machines). Proceedings Concluding Colloquium of German National Science priority programme "Modelling of Production", 2000Hannover, Germany. mehr…
- A hierarchical linear optimization model for supply network planning in the chemical industry. APIEMS 2000, Proceedings of the Third Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2000Hong Kong, China, 27-31 mehr…
- Optimization of PCB-assembly operations using modular placement machines. APIEMS 2000, Proceedings of the Third Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2000Hong Kong, China mehr…
- An interactive decision support system for scheduling chemical batch processes. APIEMS 2000, Proceedings of the Third Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2000Hong Kong, China mehr…
- Simulationsgestützte Optimierung in der Elektronikmontage (Simulation based optimization in electronics assembly). Frontiers in Simulation 3, Ghent, SCS-Europe, 1999Ghent, Belgium, 79-84 mehr…
- Simulation-based performance analysis and optimisation of electronics assembly equipment. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Production Research, 1999Limerick, Ireland mehr…
- Modelling the daily order mix problem for a SMT assembly cell. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Science Institute, 1999Athens, Greece mehr…
- Optimisation of SMD placement operations in high-volume PCB assembly. Proceedings of the Workshop on Production Planning and Control, 1996Mons, Belgium mehr…