Chair of Operations Management

We are welcoming you at the Chair of Operations Management, led by Prof. Dr. Rainer Kolisch. The teaching and research at the chair is centering on the application of Operations Research methods for analyzing and optimizing Operations Management problems. Current research topics are Scheduling, Routing, Health Care Operations, Airport Operations, Project Scheduling and Management, as well as Make-to-Order and Engineer-to-Order Operations.


Alexander Jungwirth completes his doctorate successfully

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Alexander Jungwirth has successfully defended his Ph.D.-thesis entitled “Vehicle Routing with Time Windows and Flexible Delivery Locations”. In his thesis Alexander has developed heuristics and exact algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Flexible Delivery Locations. This problem arises in the context of hospital-wide therapist scheduling but is also highly relevant to applications in parcel delivery and electric vehicle routing. The committee consisting of Martin Grunow (chair), Rainer Kolisch and Maximilian Schiffer congratulated Alexander on his achievement and wished him all the best for his future career. Alexander is now with the Advanced Analytics in Procurement & Supply Chain Services at BASF.