
Workshop of the DISC project hosted by our group

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Members of the DISC project during the workshop at TUM.

The workshop of the DISC project (Data-driven Collaboration in Industrial Supply Chains) took place at TUM School of Management on Monday and Tuesday, 20th and 21st May.

The main idea of the workshop was to present the state-of-the-art, exchange ideas and identify the potential use-cases around the questions whether and what data should be shared or not on a collaborative industrial supply chain and the benefits, challenges and obstacles related to this topic. For this purpose, the research teams of this project, Stefan Minner, Miray Öner Közen and Bin Shen (TUM School of Management) and Alexandre Dolgui, Guillaume Massonnet and Fabien Lehuédé (IMT Atlantique) invited French and German industrial representatives from Airbus, Infineon, Porsche, Ixxo and Celonis to exchange good practices. The workshop fostered discussions between academia and industry on Supply Chain and Industry of the Future, for data sharing/usage to improve collaboration. Potential use-cases including bullwhip effect mitigation, use of blockchain, traceability and transparency were identified.

The workshop highlighted that data is at the core of Industrial Supply Chain Management. The leading scientists will develop this project and exploit their expertise within the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future. This will be enabled by the funding of young researchers working in collaboration with industrial partners at the European level over the long term.