Yihua Wang, M.Sc.
Room: 1569
Tel: +49 (0)89 289 28208
Office Hours
by appointment
Research interests
- Inventory Management
- Data-driven Optimization
- Reinforcement Learning
- Online Retail
- Shared Mobility
Academic Career and Positions held to date
- since 09/2020: Research assistant at the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Minner), Technical University of Munich
- 10/2019-01/2020: Research visit at the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Minner), Technical University of Munich
- Gammelli, D., Wang, Y., Prak, D., Rodrigues, F., Minner, S., & Pereira, F. C. (2022). Predictive and prescriptive performance of bike-sharing demand forecasts for inventory management. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 138, 103571.
- Wang, Y. & Minner, S., (2024). Deep reinforcement learning for demand fulfillment in online retail. International Journal of Production Economics, 109133.
Academic Education
- 2017-2020: M.Sc. in Control Science and Engineering at College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University, China
- 2013-2017: B.Sc. in Intelligence Science and Technology at College of Computer and Control Engineering, Nankai University, China
- 2022: Finalist of Best Student Paper Award of the International Society for Inventory Research (ISIR)
- 2019: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) short-term scholarship for master's degree students
- 2024 INFORMS MSOM, Minneapolis, USA: "Supply Flexibility in a Two-echelon Inventory System with Real-time Pipeline Information"
- 2023 ELA Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal: "Data-driven Inventory Placement, Pooling, and Transshipment"
- 2022 DRL Workshop, Heilbronn, Germany: "Using Proximal Policy Optimization for the Online-Retail Demand Fulfillment Problem"
- 2022 21th International Symposium on Inventories (ISIR 2022), Budapest, Hungary: "Data-driven Deep Reinforcement Learning for Demand Fulfillment in Online Retail"
- 2021 ISIR Summer School, Luxembourg, Luxembourg: "Data-driven Deep Q Learning for Demand Fulfillment in Online Retail"
- 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2019), Nanchang, China: "A Decomposition-based Hybrid Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Practical Mean-CVaR Portfolio Optimization"
- Referee for International Journal of Production Economics
- Referee for Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies