
Supply chain resilience is crucial for organizations to recover from disruptions and resume operations. This is why the Supply Chain Resilience Research Group focuses on the profound influence of digital technologies on enhancing supply chain resilience. It employs analytical approaches, empirical…

The article "Optimal inventory control with cyclic fixed order costs" by Florian Taube and Stefan Minner was accepted for publication in Production and Operations Management. The article can be found here.

In der Forschungsgruppe „Digital Resilient Supply Chain Management and Technology“ der TUM School of Management der Technischen Universität München ist zum nächst möglichen Termin, zunächst befristet für ein Jahr, eine Stelle (TVL-E13, 100%, Teilzeit möglich) als…

Wir, der Lehrstuhl für Logistik und Supply Chain Management, suchen im Rahmen des Digital Logistics Laboratory nach einem Projektmitarbeiter / einer Projektmitarbeiterin zum Thema “Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bestandsoptimierung und Warendistribution” (TVL-E13, 100%). Bewerbungen sind möglich bis…

Our chair participated in the TUM Campus Run and had a great time at this event (despite challenging weather conditions). Thank you very much to the organizers, we look forward to the run next year!

4 researchers from our chair (Prof. Zhaoguang (Stephen) Xu, Eunji Lee, Moritz Rettinger, and Alexander Bloemer) had the opportunity to present and discuss their research at the 33rd Annual POMS Conference in Orlando, FL. The conference took place May 21 - 25, 2023 and focused on the theme "Building…