
We are looking for highly motivated students for our project "digital logistics" in cooperation with industry partners. Apply until 20/06/17.

The paper Efficiency of Paced and Unpaced Assembly Lines under Consideration of Worker Variability-A Simulation Study by Miray Öner Közen, Stefan Minner and Fabian Steinthaler was accepted for publication in Computers & Industrial Engineering.

The paper Impact of priority sequencing decisions on on-time probability and expected tardiness of orders in MTO production systems with external due-dates by Miray Öner Közen and Stefan Minner was accepted for publication in European Journal of Operational Research.

Our chair currently offers several theses in cooperation with companies (LoadFox, Hartmann, JLL, Aldi Süd, Barkawi, Allod, drink now). For more information see here.

Research Training Group Advanced Optimization in a Networked Economy

The paper Order variability in perishable product supply chains by Stefan Minner and Sandra Transchel was accepted for publication in European Journal of Operational Research.