
Since 2010 the BVL honors excellent theses that show a great relevance for practice. This year Felix Bauer, who wrote the Bachelors thesis „Logistics Process Design of Engine Testing at BMW“ at our chair was awarded. In his work he shows the efficiency of combining business process modelling and…

The paper Stock-level dependent ordering of perishables: a comparison of hybrid base-stock and constant order policies by Rene Haijema and Stefan Minner was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Economics.

Pirmin Fontaine, research assistant at the Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, is currently staying at the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics, and Transportation (CIRRELT) in Montreal. Together with Prof. Crainic, he is working on Network Design Problems in…

On September 24 / 25, LOG-SCM organized the Automotive Workshop 2015, where professors, post-docs and PhD students from various German Production and Logistics chairs met in order to discuss automotive-relevant research topics. During the first day, the participants had the opportunity to visit the…

The paper Dual sourcing under disruption risk and cost improvement through learning by Lena Silbermayr and Stefan Minner was accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research.

Szymon Albinski, research assistant at the Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, was awarded the "Stockholm Mathematics Centre Prize for Excellent Master Thesis in Mathematics 2014/2015". In his thesis "A branch-and-cut method for the Vehicle Relocation Problem in the One-Way Car-Sharing",…