
Manager Magazin (July 2015): Die stille Macht in Deutschlands Vorständen Früher waren es die Juristen, die sich auf Deutschlands Vorstandsebenen tummelten. Graues Tuch, Krawatte in gedeckten Farben - doch die Zeiten haben sich geändert. Nicht mit Blick auf die Kleidung, die Stilfibel für Vorstände…

Fabian Steinthaler, who wrote his master thesis on the topic "Comparing the Output of Paced and Unpaced Assembly Lines under Consideration of Worker Variability" at our chair, was awarded with the IWA-Award 2015. This award honors excellent theses that help to bridge the gap between the automotive…

The paper Strategic capacity planning in automotive production networks under duties and duty drawbacks by Katharina Mariel and Stefan Minner was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Economics.

Since Januray 2015, Prof. Minner is new member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Operational Research. more

Since January 2015, Prof. Minner is new Editor in Chief of Business Research.

The paper Optimal capacity provision for service providers with subsequent auctioning of projects by Maximilian Budde and Stefan Minner was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Economics.