
Prof. Dr. Stefan Minner was awarded Fellow of the International Society for Inventory Research. This award honors contributions to practical and methodological advances in the area of logistics and materials management.

Every year, the Society for Operations Research (GOR) awards excellent master theses in the area of Operations Research. This year, Patrick Zech who wrote his thesis on the topic of "Integrated Location-Inventory Optimization in Spare Parts Networks" was awarded for his excellent work.

The doctoral candidates Szymon Albinski and Katharina Mariel, both supervised by Prof. Dr. Stefan Minner, were honoured by IWA Jena e.V. for their practice-oriented theses. Szymon Albinski, research assistant at the Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, was awarded the OptWare 2016…

The paper Benders decomposition for a strategic network design problem under NAFTA local content requirements by Katharina Mariel and Stefan Minner was accepted for publication in Omega.

The paper Mixed integer linear programming formulations for flexibility instruments in capacity planning problems by Dariush Tavaghof-Gigloo, Stefan Minner and Lena Silbermayr was accepted for publication in Computers and Industrial Engineering.

The paper A VNS approach to multi-location inventory redistribution with vehicle routing by Belma  Turan, Stefan Minner and Richard Hartl was accepted for publication in Computers and Operations Research.