
EURO Meets NeurIPS Competition

Congratulations to Kai Jungel, Patrick Sean Klein, and Leo Baty from École des Ponts who won the EURO Meets NeurIPS Competition.

Congratulations to Kai Jungel, Patrick Sean Klein, and Leo Baty from École des Ponts who won the EURO Meets NeurIPS Competition. The competition focused on solving a dynamic vehicle routing problem arising in same-day deliveries, where orders are not known in advance but are revealed dynamically. This challenging problem requires making interdependent dispatching and routing decisions under the uncertainty of future requests, all while optimizing for efficiency. The team was supervised by Maximilian Schiffer and Axel Parmentier (École des Ponts) and won the competition with a structured learning approach that combines machine learning and optimization. The team presented this approach in a workshop at the prestigious NeurIPS conference. The recording is available at